2024 Bacteria Testing Data

Date East Beach West Beach North Area Comments

7/1/24 9 18 --- Great!

7/23/24 9 16 17 Great!

8/15/24 2 10 --- Great!

E. Coli Bacteria Counts - units per 100-mL

Massachusetts single Sample limit = 235 units per 100 mL

2023 Bacteria Testing Data

Date East Beach West Beach Comments

6/26/23 56 30 Looks good!

7/13/23 16 54 Looks good!

8/10/23 28 20 Great!

8/10/23.....North end of Pond 5 Really Clean!

E. Coli Bacteria Counts - units per 100-mL

Massachusetts single Sample limit = 235 units per 100 mL

Graph of E. Coli Results 2019 - 2023

Note: high results are likely due to localized and transient events (e.g., geese issues), particularly if follow-up sampling shows substantial decline in bacteria levels

Tabulation of E. Coli Data since 2010 Peters pOND, dRACUT, ma

Laboratory Reports

Click on the year below to download the (PDF) laboratory data reports sheets for the indicated year.